theREN Experience
We inspire you to realize your potential by celebrating those making a difference in our times.
theREN Experience
Peter Biar: Child Soldier, Civil War, Imprisonment, Virtue, Being President - theREN Experience #33
Renatus Mshomba
Peter Biar is a South Sudanese scholar, peace activist. and former political prisoner. He is also the founder of Revive South Sudan Party.
[00:00] - Not Talking About Yourself
[02:25] - Being A Child Soldier
[09:48] - Civil War in Sudan
[19:23] - Losing Direction
[28:21] - Society Built Virtue
[30:25] - People Looked Away When We Started Killing Each Other
[33:04] - My Father Signed Me To Military
[39:28] - Being Prisoned In Solitary Confinement
[49:29] - Running for President's Office
[56:41] - Future Coup in South Sudan
[01:02:10] - Reclaiming Dignity Internationally
[01:06:55] - Closing