theREN Experience

Penuel The Black Pen - The Matrix, Sex, Thinking, Penuelism, and Language - theREN Experience #27

Renatus Mshomba

Penuel Molotsi is the host of The Penuel Show (@thepenuelshow ), a speaker, author of the book Penuel(ism) and is considered a controversial internet personality.

[00:00] - Intro 
[00:35] - Language Is A Magic Tool 
[03:25] - We Are Miseducated
[06:40] - African leadership Academy
[07:43] - You Can’t Be Independent
[13:27] - We Don’t Want Jobs
[14:31] - Why Wealthy People Fund Schools
[15:38] - Types of Intelligence 
[20:19] - The Dangers of Trusting Women
[31:35] - We Need to Document
[34:54] - Why US Dollar Is Stronger Than SA Rand
[35:11] - Diamonds: The Greatest Propaganda
[36:10] - We Don’t Understand the Capitalism Game
[39:54] - I Don’t Believe in the Moon Landing
[45:05] - Simulation Theory: Our Reality as a Program
[45:05] - We are our Ancestors
[58:00] - I’m Colonizing Minds
[59:16] - The Purpose of Life
[1:02:10] - Human Influence: Money, Religion and Language
[1:04:01] - Leaking Conversation with Vusi on Sex
[1:08:52] - Monopolizing a Religion
[1:09:54] - From Jesus Christ to Hitler: Penuel's Influence
[1:21:43] - I’m Living In the Future
[1:25:50] - Don’t Follow Those You Admire
[1:29:36] - Penuelism
[1:35:01] - Inspiring Others